DocumentationGetting StartedSystem Requirements

FOSSBilling’s system requirements

Web server

FOSSBilling will work correctly on any of the following web-servers. For the greatest simplicity we suggest either using Apache or Apache behind an NGINX reverse proxy (with NGINX caching static files).

Most control panels will either come configured like this out-of-the-box or support this configuration.

  • Apache with mod_rewrite enabled
  • LiteSpeed
  • NGINX running the correct configuration.
  • OpenLiteSpeed
    • Due to how OpenLiteSpeed handles .htaccess files, it’s typically not suitable for selling web hosting, however FOSSBilling itself will run on it without any issues.

If you wish to use a web server that is not listed above, you will need to manually create a configuration for it that implements the URL rewriting FOSSBilling relies on using one of the existing configurations as reference.



FOSSBilling follows the official PHP supported versions list. That means that FOSSBilling should function correctly on any PHP version that is still receiving active security and/or feature updates. When a PHP version loses it’s official support, we drop support for that PHP version with the next FOSSBilling release

Strictly following the official supported PHP versions allows us to keep FOSSBilling as secure and stable as possible while also being able to leverage new PHP features for better performance or improved functionality.

Required extensions

At a minimum for correct functionality, you should have the following extensions installed:

  • intl
  • openssl
  • pdo_mysql
  • xml
  • dom
  • iconv
  • json
  • zlib
  • curl >= version 7.34.0. (You may need to rebuild PHP after updating as both cURL on your server and the PHP extension need to be updated)

These extensions may not be needed to make FOSSBilling work, however they are recommended for improved performance, compatibility, and functionality.

  • mbstring
  • opcache (This is PHP’s official extension that’s used to cache compiled scripts and improve performance. We recommend using this for all PHP applications!)
  • imagick or gmagick
  • GD
  • bz2 (bzip2)
  • simplexml & xml for the Plesk API


  • memory_limit: Should be at least 64M.
    • The more modules and extensions you have installed, the greater this will be. Installations under heavy demand may also need their memory limit increased.
  • max_execution_time: The default of 30 seconds is typically sufficient, however those with slower servers may consider increasing this to 45 or 60 seconds.
  • To use remote images in your PDFs (images accessed via a URL) you should have allow_url_fopen set to true.


FOSSBilling should function correctly on any MySQL compatible database such as MySQL or MariaDB.

Specifically, any of the following:

  • MySQL >= 8
  • MariaDB >= 10.3